Song : Behold Me Standing
Album : English Christian Songs
Category : Traditional Hymns
Songwriter (s) :
Publisher :
Behold Me Standing At The Door,
And Hear Me Pleading Evermore
With Gentle Voice – Oh, Heart Of Sin,
May I Come In? May I Come In?
Behold Me Standing At The Door!
And Hear Me Pleading Evermore:
Say, Weary Heart, Opprest With Sin,
May I Come In? May I Come In?
I Bore The Cruel Thorns For Thee,
I Waited Long And Patiently:
Say, Weary Heart, Opprest With Sin,
May I Come In? May I Come In?
I Would Not Plead With Thee In Vain;
Remember All My Grief And Pain!
I Died To Ransom Thee From Sin:
May I Come In? May I Come In?
I Bring Thee Joy From Heaven Above,
I Bring Thee Pardon, Peace, And Love:
Say, Weary Heart, Opprest With Sin,
May I Come In? May I Come In?