I Am The Bread The Bread Of Life;
Who Comes To Me Will Never Hunger.
I Am The Bread, The Bread Of Heaven;
Who Feeds On Me Will Never Die.
And As You Eat, Remember Me,
My Body Broken On The Tree:
My Life Was Given To Set You Free,
And I’m Alive For Evermore.

I Am The Vine, The Living Vine;
Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing.
I Am The Vine, The Real Vine:
Abide In Me And I In You.
And As You Drink, Remember Me,
My Blood Was Shed Upon The Tree:
My Life Was Given To Set You Free,
And I’m Alive For Evermore.

So Eat This Bread And Drink This Wine,
And As You Do, Receive This Life Of Mine.
All That I Am, I Give To You,
That You May Live For Evermore.